Satellite Telemetry Decoder
In order to analyse the data from the payload at a later stage a software was required that can convert raw files to human readable telemetry. In order to do so a python application was developed which can take the raw file, implement the telemetry conversions and then transfer them into a excel (.csv) file. The python script first converts the packets into a level-0 telemetry files which contain multiple columns with the raw bytes of the packet. In order to implement required telemetry conversions, the user must provide the application with the details of the packet structure and the conversions. The software then performs necessary telemetry conversions and generates level-1 telemetry files with human readable telemetry values. The flowchart shown below explains this procedure in a graphical manner:
A GUI(Graphical User Interface) was also developed for the application as shown below, which makes it easy for the user to covert raw data packets for analysis:
The software was developed with a modular design so that it can be extended to decode telemetry for other small satellite missions. The telemetry decoding application can be found at the following repository: INSPIRESat-1 Telemetry Decoder.