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Book Review

Book Review: Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono

less than 1 minute read


Explains the difference between vertical thinking (digging an existing hole deeper) and lateral thinking (finding a new hole to dig). Encourages the reader to inculcate lateral thinking practices in their daily lives and motivates them to think different (apple motto reference xD).

Book Review: But How Do It Know? by J. Clark Scott

less than 1 minute read


This is definitely one of my favorite technical books ever. I read this book during the first year of my undergraduate course in Avionics, and it transformed the way I think about computers.

But How Do It Know?

Book Review: But How Do It Know? by J. Clark Scott

less than 1 minute read


This is definitely one of my favorite technical books ever. I read this book during the first year of my undergraduate course in Avionics, and it transformed the way I think about computers.


Activity Generating Smart Assistant

1 minute read


The motivation for this project started when I observed my brother (who is autistic) getting bored at home during lockdown. My brother (like many of us) has a specific set of activities that he enjoys doing in his spare time.

Setting up a makeshift Lab for Embedded Systems at Home

1 minute read


The advantages of working with small satellites and particularly embedded systems are that they do not require a lot of fancy equipment. When the covid pandemic stuck, I was halfway through my final year project, which involved the designing development of a rocket payload. Most of my work was lab-based, as I needed to develop flight software for this payload and test it on the target embedded system which was the onboard computer.

Edward de Bono

Book Review: Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono

less than 1 minute read


Explains the difference between vertical thinking (digging an existing hole deeper) and lateral thinking (finding a new hole to dig). Encourages the reader to inculcate lateral thinking practices in their daily lives and motivates them to think different (apple motto reference xD).

Embedded Systems

Activity Generating Smart Assistant

1 minute read


The motivation for this project started when I observed my brother (who is autistic) getting bored at home during lockdown. My brother (like many of us) has a specific set of activities that he enjoys doing in his spare time.

Setting up a makeshift Lab for Embedded Systems at Home

1 minute read


The advantages of working with small satellites and particularly embedded systems are that they do not require a lot of fancy equipment. When the covid pandemic stuck, I was halfway through my final year project, which involved the designing development of a rocket payload. Most of my work was lab-based, as I needed to develop flight software for this payload and test it on the target embedded system which was the onboard computer.

George Gamow


The Big Adventure of Small Satellites

less than 1 minute read


The student newspaper of IIST published a neat article describing my journey through the world of small satellites. Check it out here.


The Big Adventure of Small Satellites

less than 1 minute read


The student newspaper of IIST published a neat article describing my journey through the world of small satellites. Check it out here.

J. Clark Scott

Book Review: But How Do It Know? by J. Clark Scott

less than 1 minute read


This is definitely one of my favorite technical books ever. I read this book during the first year of my undergraduate course in Avionics, and it transformed the way I think about computers.


The Big Adventure of Small Satellites

less than 1 minute read


The student newspaper of IIST published a neat article describing my journey through the world of small satellites. Check it out here.

Lateral Thinking

Book Review: Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono

less than 1 minute read


Explains the difference between vertical thinking (digging an existing hole deeper) and lateral thinking (finding a new hole to dig). Encourages the reader to inculcate lateral thinking practices in their daily lives and motivates them to think different (apple motto reference xD).


Setting up a makeshift Lab for Embedded Systems at Home

1 minute read


The advantages of working with small satellites and particularly embedded systems are that they do not require a lot of fancy equipment. When the covid pandemic stuck, I was halfway through my final year project, which involved the designing development of a rocket payload. Most of my work was lab-based, as I needed to develop flight software for this payload and test it on the target embedded system which was the onboard computer.


The Big Adventure of Small Satellites

less than 1 minute read


The student newspaper of IIST published a neat article describing my journey through the world of small satellites. Check it out here.

One Two Three ... Infinity

Raspberry Pi

Activity Generating Smart Assistant

1 minute read


The motivation for this project started when I observed my brother (who is autistic) getting bored at home during lockdown. My brother (like many of us) has a specific set of activities that he enjoys doing in his spare time.

Small Satellites

The Big Adventure of Small Satellites

less than 1 minute read


The student newspaper of IIST published a neat article describing my journey through the world of small satellites. Check it out here.

Smart Speaker

Activity Generating Smart Assistant

1 minute read


The motivation for this project started when I observed my brother (who is autistic) getting bored at home during lockdown. My brother (like many of us) has a specific set of activities that he enjoys doing in his spare time.